oid vs bytea in Postgresql

Okay, here is the deal, I am working on a project which requires me to store files in my database. But I have recently just switched to postgresql from mysql, so I had to do some research on what methods postgresql offers for file storage. In mysql GLOB would have been my choice, but postgresql offers two methods, BYTEA which is postgresql’s answer to GLOB, or store the files in Large Objects (oid).

I asked around to find out what method would be the fastes, but I could not find the answer I was looking for, so I ended up spending the night testing it for myself, this blog will show the results.

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Hotmail just sucks

This night I did a minor update on my mail server, I updated the dkim-milter to a newer version and removed the dk-milter filter from the server.

With the update some bonuses came along, gmail.com and yahoo.com now looks at my mails as “in-good-stand” mails, and this is a major bonus.

However Hotmail still look at my mails as Junk, and I don’t understand why, I am using their rather out-dated Sender-ID protocol which is perfectly working (tested with sa-test sendmail). The headers which is received by hotmail is quite as useful as a lollipop with cock flavour, god damnit Microsoft fix your systems !

Getting the power of sftp chroot in debian


As many people might know, I am a bit security paranoid when it comes to my servers and sending stuff over the Internet in plain text. Therefore have I been using SFTP and SSH when I needed something sent over the Internet to my servers.

SFTP does however have a downside, in order to get the security of data encryption using sftp you will have to create an user account on the server with a valid shell, and therefore would every user have access to the whole system in read mode, which is a security risk.

One of the solutions would be to make a chroot for each user on the server, but this is both time consuming and a complete waste of space.

I finally found a good solution, there is a patched version of OpenSSH which gives a chroot feature of making sftp only connections, this however does not allowed the user to use a shell also, it’s either sftp or ssh, not both, if you need this, you will have to create a chroot for every user.


There is however a problem with the new patch, the author only give guiding for a source installation or using OpenBSD, but my servers are running Debian Etch and Ubuntu (7.04 and 7.10), so there is some new steps in order to get it working the debian-way.

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Projekt hjælper

Jeg har lavet et lille excel ark der hjælper med at holde styr på de filer jeg arbejder på, samt hvilke der er færdige.

Det burde være lige til, det er simpelt og det fungere ! Så er det nemmere at se hvor langt man er nået 🙂

Project Sheet

Hvad er en webdesigner?

Som en del af mit arbejde, har jeg flere webdesignere tæt på mig, eller de kalder sig i hvertfald … De har ikke fattet at et plain billede _IKKE_ er et design, det er en del af deres arbejde at klippe ud og lave HTML kode, men arbejde er det dynamiske, sgu ikke at bruge flere timer på at klippe og genere HTML kode for dem.

Det kan sagtens være fordi jeg tit arbejder med uprofessionelle designere (De såkaldte CS designere / gamere), men derfor skal de sgu også lærer at bruge Dreamweaver eller ligende …


Ja, dagens topic er webdesignere, og hvad fanden er det der sker for dem? Vi lever idag i en tid hvor CSS og XHTML er fremme, hvorfor fanden levere de så designes lavet 100% i Photoshop?! Det er jo sindsygt irriterende som coder at skulle først klippe det ud så det ligner lidt det de leverede, men bagefter skal vi sidde og bande og sovle over deres utrolig flotte baggrund, som kræver et 130kb still image, som gør hele siden langsom og utrolig grim at se på før den fuldt ud loadet…